(1971-). Ruso. Geologo y Mineralogista.
Mineralogista en el Fersman Mineralogical Museum, Moscú, Rusia, que ha trabajado en una amplia variedad de minerales de pegmatita, y en particular en los minerales del grupo milarita.
Como autor o co-autor se citan entre otras las siguientes:
Crystallography and mineralogy:
The crystal chemistry of senkevichite, cs k na ca2 ti o [si7o18(oh)], from the dara-i-pioz alkaline massif, northern Tajikistan. The crystal chemistry of faizievite, k2 li6 na (ca6na) ti4 [si6o18]2 [si12o30] f2, a novel structure based on intercalated blocks of the baratovite and berezanskite structures.
The crystal structure of nalivkinite, a new lithium member of the revision of the formulae of wernerbaurite and schindlerite: ammonium- rather than hydronium-bearing decavanadate minerals astrophyllite group.
Two astrophyllite-supergroup minerals: bulgakite, a new mineral from the Darai-Pioz alkaline massif, tajikistan and revision of the crystal structure and chemical formula of nalivkinite.
Niveolanite, the first natural beryllium carbonate, a new mineral species from Mont Saint-Hilaire, Quebec, Canada.
Londonite from the Urals, and new aspects of the crystal chemistry of the rhodizite–londonite series.
Carlgieseckeite-(nd), nandca3(po4)3f, a new belovite-group mineral species from the ilímaussaq alkaline complex, south Greenland.
Kirchhoffite, csbsi2o6, a new mineral species from the darai-pioz alkaline massif, Tajikistan: description and crystal structure.
Un nuevo mineral, recibió el nombre de agakhanovita (Y) en su honor.
Autor: José Luis Zamora Rubio