BUBNOVA. Rimma Sergeevna
BUBNOVA. Rimma Sergeevna (1951-). Rusa. Quimico, Mineralogista y Cristalógrafa. Profesora del Instituto de Química de Silicatos, Academia Rusa de Ciencias, Universidad Estatal de San Petersburgo, San Petersburgo, Rusia, por sus importantes contribuciones a la química cristalina de vanadatos, silicatos, boratos, borosilicatos y otros compuestos inorgánicos.
Prolifica en obras, como autora ó coautora tenemos:
Borates—crystal structures of prospective nonlinear optical materials: High anisotropy of the thermal expansion caused by anharmonic atomic vibrations.
Forms of solid solution ordering upon decreasing temperature.
Saranchinaite, Na2Cu(SO4)2, A New Exhalative Mineral from Tolbachik Volcano, Kamchatka, Russia, and a product of the Reversible Dehydration of Kröhnkite, Na2Cu(SO4)2(H2O)2.
Novel solid solutions of Ca3–1.5xYbx□0.5xB2SiO8: Synthesis, crystal structure, luminescence and thermal properties.
High-temperature crystal chemistry of layered calcium borosilicates: CaBSiO4(OH)(datolite), Ca4B5Si3O15(OH)5(‘bakerite’) and Ca2B2SiO7 (synthetic analogue of okayamalite).
Forms of solid solution ordering upon decreasing temperature.
New solid solutions Ca3B2 + xSi1–xO8–x/2..
Novel Sr3Bi2(BO3)4: Eu3+ red phosphor: Synthesis, crystal structure, luminescent and thermal properties.
Thermal behavior of reedmergnerite NaBSi3O8 and searlesite NaBSi2O5(OH)2.
Copper polytellurite-chlorides with A2+ cations (A = Cd, Pb) obtained by CVT reactions.
Терморентгенография поликристаллов. Часть II. Определение количественных характеристик тензора термического расширения. (Учебное пособие).
Un nuevo mineral recibió el nombre de bubnovaita en su honor
Autor: José Luis Zamora Rubio