- BOJAR. Hans-Peter
BOJAR. Hans-Peter. Austriaco. Mineralogista.
Actualmente trabaja como conservador de la colección mineralógica del Universalmuseum Joanneum, Centro de Historia Natural, de Graz, Austria.
Entre sus obras como autor ó co-autor, tenemos:
Struvite-(K), KMgPO4• 6H2O, the potassium equivalent of struvite–a new mineral
Neue Mineralfunde aus Österreich XXXII The Neogene of the Styrian Basin-guide to excursions
M Gross, I Fritz, WE Piller, A Soliman, M Harzhauser, B Hubmann, ...
Joannea Geologie und Paläontologie 9, 117-193 51 2007
Upper Cretaceous volcanoclastic deposits from the Haţeg Basin, South Carpathians (Romania): K-Ar ages and intrabasinal correlation
Stable isotope and mineralogical investigations on clays from the Late Cretaceous sequences, Haţeg Basin, Romania
Ammineite, cucl2(nh3)2, a new species containing an ammine complex: mineral data and crystal structure
Heavy mineral distributions of Maastrichtian deposits from the Haţeg basin, South Carpathians: tectonic and palaeogeographic implications
Evolution of veins and sub-economic ore at Strassegg, Paleozoic of Graz, Eastern Alps, Austria: evidence for local fluid transport during metamorphism
A continuous cretaceous–paleocene red-bed section in the romanian carpathians
Fluoro-magnesiohastingsite from Dealul Uroi (Hunedoara county, Romania) Mineral data and crystal structure of a new amphibole end-member
Stable isotope hydrology of precipitation and groundwater of a region with high continentality, South Carpathians, Romania
Trattnerite,(Fe, Mg) 2 (Mg, Fe) 3 [Si12O30], a new mineral of the milarite group: mineral data and crystal structure
K/Ar geochronology of igneous amphibole phenocrysts in Miocene to Pliocene volcaniclastics, Styrian Basin, Austria
Constraining long‐term fault activity in the brittle domain through in situ dating of hydrothermal monazite
Late Permian to Triassic isotope composition of sulfates in the Eastern Alps: palaeogeographic implications
Stable isotopic and mineralogical investigations of an arid Quaternary lacustrine palaeoenvironment, Western Qaidam, China
Joanneumite, Cu(C3N3O3H2)2(NH3)2, a new mineral from Pabellón de Pica, Chile and the crystal structure of its synthetic analogue
Erster Nachweis des Kalium-Analogons MgK (PO4). 6H2O von Struvit, und der kristallinen Phase Mg2KH (PO4) 2. 15H2O aus dem ehemaligen Bleibergbau Rossblei, Eschachalm …
Miocene Slănic Tuff, Eastern Carpathians, Romania, in the Context of Badenian Salinity Crisis
Klöchite, k□2(fe2+fe3+)zn3[si12o30], a new milarite-type mineral species from the klöch volcano, Styria, Austria
Un nuevo mineral recibió el nombre de bojarita, en su honor.
Autor: José Luis Zamora Rubio