Boris Yuryevich AVDEEV. (1980-2012). Ruso. Geólogo.
Obtuvo el titulo de B.Sc. geologia en la Saint Petersburg State University, en 2001.: En 2003 es M.Sc. geologia (estructural), en la misma universidad de Saint Petersburg State University, en el año 2005 otro M.Sc. geologia (estadisticas), en la University of Texas at Arlington, seis años despues obtuvo su Ph.D. en geologia (tectonica), en la University de Michigan,en el año 2011.
Fue Geólogo en The Scotia Group, servicios de asesoramiento sobre petróleo y gas, Dallas, TX, 2005-2006; Interpretación sísmica, geoestadística, programación; Analista de SIG. Instituto Geológico Ruso, San Petersburgo, 2002-2003; Programador. JSC "Actual Geology", San Petersburgo, Rusia, 2000-2001; Geólogo de campo. Agencia Estatal "Mineral", San Petersburgo, Rusia, 1999. Elaboró Mapa geológico a Escala 1:200.000, de la región de N. Ladoga del escudo báltico. Entre sus obras como autor o co-autor tenemos:
Rapid Pliocene exhumation of the Central Greater Caucasus constrained by low‐temperature thermochronometry
Widespread late Cenozoic increase in erosion rates across the interior of eastern Tibet constrained by detrital low‐temperature thermochronometry
Doing more with less: Bayesian estimation of erosion models with detrital thermochronometric data
Relict basin closure and crustal shortening budgets during continental collision: An example from Caucasus sediment provenance
Tectonics of the Greater Caucasus and the Arabia-Eurasia orogen
Relict basin closure accommodates continental convergence with minimal crustal shortening or deceleration of plate motion as inferred from detrital zircon provenance in the…
Rapid Pliocene exhumation of the central Greater Caucasus constrained by low-temperature thermochronometry. Tectonics 30, TC2009
Constraints on the rates and timing of exhumation of the Greater Caucasus from low- temperature thermochronology
Differential exhumation across the eastern Greater Caucasus from low-temperature thermochronology: Implications for plate boundary reorganization and foreland basin deformation
First record of late Pleistocene deposits from the Missouri River Valley, Norborne Quadrangle, MO <
Dynamic uplift and subsidence in the Central Andes associated with flat-slab subduction
The Role of Slab Return Flow Associated with Flat Slab Subduction in Driving the Laramide Orogeny
Reconciling Geodetic Deformation and Long-term Exhumation Rates Across the Western Greater Caucasus
Slab break-off influence on the formation of the major intra-continental faulting systems during India-Asia convergence
Detrital apatite (U-Th)/He constraints on the exhumational histories of the Arunachal Pradesh Himalaya and the Shillong Plateau
Spatial and temporal patterns of exhumation in the Greater Caucasus from low-temperature thermochronometry
Post-Pliocene localization of Arabia-Eurasia shortening in the Greater Caucasus and Kura fold-thrust belt.
Premios y distinciones:
Premios Rackham Graduate Student Research Grant, 2009.
Beca estudiantil internacional Rackham, 2008.
Premio Scott Turner, 2007, 2010.
Becario K. K. Landes, 2006-2007.
Beca del decano, 2003-2005.
Boris murió el 19 de abril de 2011en una avalancha en el monte Dana, en California, estaba entrenando para una expediciób al Cáucaso
Un nuevo mineral recibió el nombre de avdeevita en su honor
Autor: José Luis Zamora Rubio